MedicPress reiterates the pledge to help all and give hope to those who have lost hope. In this endeavor, while we have the best of an expert team of doctors taking care of the patients at one hand; we have an exemplary team of voluntary physicians and retired physicians who provide medical assistance to the not so wealthy class from negligible to no cost. No matter, what the story or situation is; Trust us to be there to help all and make things well again.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when
"Working with Panos on designing comprehensive integrated care delivery model for frail patients with chronic diseases seemed like a simple task. He took his health data modelling knowledge and his healthcare delivery professional experiance and incorporated it with our eHealth knowledge to create a compelling integrated care service supported by IT tools, which is often asier said than done. Looking forward to next joint project."
Marco d'Angelantonio
Managing Director, HIM SA, HIM SL
"As Managing Director of both HIM SA (Belgium) and HIM SL (Spain) I have had the opportunity (but I should say the pleasure instead) of working with Dr Panos Stafylas and his team. Panos has played the role of Scientific Coordinator for some of the largest projects ever funded by the European Union in the area of Technology Enabled Care. He has equally played a major role in analysing the data collected in these projects. I have appreciated Panos for both his professional skills and human qualities and my opinion is shared by all the people who have worked with them in the last few years. Panos and his team have always produced high quality work and met all deadlines."
Paolo Da Col
Health Director, Rehabilitation Hospital for Elderly People (RSA IGEA), Trieste
"I have been collaborating with Dr. Panos Stafylas for many years working on EU-funded research and innovation projects coordinated by HIM SA (Bruxelles). I particularly appreciate his natural ability to communicate and interact with others and I value his excellent scientific qualification in data analysis."
Professor George Crooks
OBE, CEO Digital Health and Care Institute, Scotland
"The HealThink team have proved invaluable in supporting the scientific evaluation of complex multi-centre European projects. Their ability to be flexible with their time to fit in with the availability of clinical investigators through to their ability to turn around high-quality work quickly has meant that we were able to work both efficiently and effectively."
Claus Duedal Pedersen
Chief Consultant of the Department for Clinical Innovation at OUH Odense University Hospital
"I have had an excellent collaboration with Panos and his team from 2011 till 2017, in some of the biggest European eHealth projects like Renewing Health, United4Health, SmartCare, CareWell, etc. They have taken over the challenging tasks of scientific/medical coordination of the projects, data management & analysis and evaluation/HTA and always responded successfully and timely. They solved a very difficult task efficient and with a high quality. It was a great pleasure working with them."
Vassilis Aletras
Associate Professor Healthcare Management & Health Economics, Director of MSc in Healthcare Management, University of Macedonia
"I have worked with Dr. Panos Stafylas on several large-scale European research projects that he scientifically co-ordinated and on a hospital re-engineering project we jointly undertook with his firm. His remarkable academic profile and deep knowledge of the health care market along with his managerial leadership make him an invaluable reliable partner with which I am always keen to work with."