Regions, municipalities and healthcare organizations are increasingly challenged by the utter complexity of integrating silos of health, social and informal care for the ageing population and the growing burden of chronic diseases and co-morbidity.
eHealth - the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into health services - is a major supporting factor in enhancing the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services, and promise great benefits.
The ultimate relevant objective of European Commission (EC) and EU Member States (MS) focuses on integrating eHealth into health policy and on aligning eHealth investments with health needs in the best possible way.
However, sustainable integrated care also requires massive changes in workforce behaviors and mentality.
Based on our experience in eHealth for more than 10 years, HealThink has enabled transformation of social and health care sector in many European countries.
Offering high service quality and professional support to Regional Health Authorities and other public and private organizations, our company has been involved in the implementation of sustainable Population Based Healthcare Management, aiming at moving eHealth services forward and applying new-age strategies that can be effective and innovative.
Our clients:
  • Regional Health Authorities
  • Municipalities
  • eHealth/mHealth Services Companies
  • Medical Software Companies
  • Telecommunications Companies
  • Telemedicine Equipment Companies
  • Universities
Our team of experts can support you offering the following services:
  • Design and/or coordinate eHealth enabled integrated care services
  • Support the development of innovative telemonitoring devices
  • Contribute to the revision of care pathways
  • Support consortia or organizations participating in European eHealth projects (prepare proposal, protocols, medical coordination, HTA)
  • Train healthcare and other involved professionals
  • Multidimensional & comprehensive health technology assessment
  • Application of MAST assessment framework
  • Assess sustainability & scalability of eHealth services
  • eHealth services optimization,
  • Other consultancy services including collaboration with any company providing technical solutions to the client to identify optimal and cost-effective solutions.